Scoil Ruáin Transition Years are “Class Acts” in raising €2,045, the highest amount raised by an Irish school, for Focus Ireland’s Class Act Homelessness Initiative

Scoil Ruáin Transition Years are “Class Acts” in raising €2,045, the highest amount raised by an Irish school, for Focus Ireland’s Class Act Homelessness Initiative

On the 1st of March this year, Scoil Ruáin’s Transition Year participated a sleep out in aid of Focus Ireland, a charity dedicated to supporting the homeless in Ireland. They camped out between the hours of 8pm and 8am on the night of 1st March underneath the outer roof of the Main Guard in Clonmel. The students with their teacher, Ms. Mary Cummins, organised the sleep out as part of a Wellbeing Awareness Initiative and Class Acts fundraiser in aid of the homeless charity Focus Ireland.

On Wednesday 8th May they presented their substantial cheque of €2,045.00 to Ms. Cathryn O’Leary of Focus Ireland.  Ms. O’Leary was thrilled with the great amount raised and praised the hard work of the students in achieving the largest sum raised across the country within the Class Acts Initiative. A huge congratulations to all involved, and to all who generously sponsored the Transition Year students.

According to the students themselves they said “We learned a lot by sleeping out on the street from 8pm to 8am. We are now much more aware of the difficulties encountered by the homeless. We hope our donation will help someone in this terrible situation”. The number of homeless families has increased by 13% in the past year. According to Focus Ireland one in three people now in emergency accommodation is under 18 years. It is good to see that the Scoil Ruáin’s Transition Year helping to raise money and awareness for such a righteous cause. Well done to all concerned.


Left to Right

Ms. Siobhan Landers, Deputy Principal, Mark McCormack, Lauren Gahan, Ms. Cathryn O’Leary, Focus Ireland, Molly Maher, Karim Mohand, Ms. Mary Cummins, Wellbeing Co-ordinator and Mr. James Williams, Principal.